- 閱讀權限
- 30
- 生命值
- 1304
- 法力值
- 1081
- 金幣
- 973 G
- 聲望
- 25
- 生命骰:d6
- 擅長武器與防具:不會獲得任何額外的武器與防具熟練
- 升級獲得技能點:4 + 智力調整值
1 0 0 0 2 魅惑
2 1 0 0 3 法術偷襲 +1d6
3 1 1 1 3 黑暗魅力 +1
4 2 1 1 4 法術偷襲 +2d6 召喚惡魔
5 2 1 1 4 黑暗魅力 +2
6 3 2 2 5 法術偷襲 +3d6 法術打擊 +1d6
7 3 2 2 5 黑暗魅力 +3
8 4 2 2 6 法術偷襲 +4d6 法術打擊 +2d6
9 4 3 3 6 黑暗魅力 +4 召喚惡魔
10 5 3 3 7 法術偷襲 +5d6
法術偷襲 - 對一個沒有防備你的生物可以額外的法術偷襲傷害
黑暗魅力 - 格拉茲特3級以上的僕役在與邪惡生物進行有關魅力的檢定時,可以獲得獎勵.
法術打擊 - 當敵人處於近戰威脅範圍內時,格拉茲特的僕役所施展的攻擊性魔法可以造成額外傷害.
11: 黑暗魅力 +4
12: 法術偷襲 +6d6
法術打擊 +3d6
13: 黑暗魅力 +5
14: 法術偷襲 +7d6
15: 召喚惡魔 15HD
16: 法術偷襲 +8d6
法術打擊 +4d6
17: 黑暗魅力 +6
18: 法術偷襲 +9d6
20: 法術偷襲 +10d6
法術打擊 +5d6
召喚惡魔 20HD
21: 黑暗魅力 +7
22: 法術偷襲 +11d6
24: 法術偷襲 +12d6
法術打擊 +6d6
25: 黑暗魅力 +8
召喚惡魔 25HD
26: 法術偷襲 +13d6
28: 法術偷襲 +14d6
法術打擊 +7d6
29: 黑暗魅力 +9
30: 法術偷襲 +15d6
召喚惡魔 30HD
The Thrall of Graz'zt is a sinister, conniving, and thoroughly evil master of arcane lore and dark secrets. She uses her charm and guile to learn things that she should never know - a sort of seductive loremaster who depends on subterfuge, not study. A loremaster spends her days in a library learning secrets, but a thrall of Graz'zt steals, seduces, or tricks them from others.
- Hit Die: d6.
- Proficiencies: Thralls of Graz'zt gain no weapon or armor proficiencies.
- Skill Points: 4 + Int Modifier.
Alignment: Any Evil
Skills: Lore 5, Bluff 2, Persuade 2.
Feats: Thrall to Demon.
Spellcasting: Must be able to cast 3rd level spells.
Note: Clerics taking this class must worship Graz'zt. This means you must have the Evil and Darkness domains.
1: Charm
2: Spell Betrayal - Deal an additional +1d6 damage when a damage dealing spell hits a flat-footed target.
3: Dark Charisma - Gain a +1 enhancement bonus to all Animal Empathy, Bluff, Persuade, and Perform checks.
4: Spell Betrayal - Bonus improves to +2d6.
Summon Demon - Summon a demon with 5 HD or less.
5: Dark Charisma - Bonus improves to +2.
6: Spell Betrayal - Bonus improves to +3d6.
Spellstrike - Deal an additional +1d6 damage when a damage dealing spell hits a distracted enemy.
7: Dark Charisma - Bonus improves to +3
8: Spell Betrayal - Bonus improves to +4d6
Spellstrike - Bonus improves to +2d6
9: Summon Demon - Summon a demon with 10 HD or less.
10: Spell Betrayal - Bonus improves to +5d6
Every other level in Thrall of Graz'zt, the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in her highest caster class. She does not learn any new spells through her abilities. She does not gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (e.g., improved familiar, bonus feats).
Epic Levels:
11: Dark Charisma - Bonus improves to +4
12: Spell Betrayal - Bonus improves to +6d6
Spellstrike - Bonus improves to +3d6
13: Dark Charisma - Bonus improves to +5
14: Spell Betrayal - Bonus improves to +7d6
15: Summon Demon - Summon a demon with 15 HD or less.
16: Spell Betrayal - Bonus improves to +8d6
Spellstrike - Bonus improves to +4d6
17: Dark Charisma - Bonus improves to +6
18: Spell Betrayal - Bonus improves to +9d6
20: Spell Betrayal - Bonus improves to +10d6
Spellstrike - Bonus improves to +5d6
Summon Demon - Summon a demon with 20 HD or less.
21: Dark Charisma - Bonus improves to +7
22: Spell Betrayal - Bonus improves to +11d6
24: Spell Betrayal - Bonus improves to +12d6
Spellstrike - Bonus improves to +6d6
25: Dark Charisma - Bonus improves to +8
Summon Demon - Summon a demon with 25 HD or less.
26: Spell Betrayal - Bonus improves to +13d6
28: Spell Betrayal - Bonus improves to +14d6
Spellstrike - Bonus improves to +7d6
29: Dark Charisma - Bonus improves to +9
30: Spell Betrayal - Bonus improves to +15d6
Summon Demon - Summon a demon with 30 HD or less.