![Rank: 3](static/image/common/star_level2.gif) ![Rank: 3](static/image/common/star_level1.gif)
- 閱讀權限
- 30
生命值- 1304
法力值- 1081
金幣- 973 G
聲望- 25
- 生命骰: d10.
- 武器和裝甲擅長: 無.
- 技能點: 2 + 智力調整值.
種族: 任意精靈或半精靈.
陣營: 任意非邪惡.
專長: 所有軍用武器擅長,擅長護甲(重型), 閃避, 寓守於攻, 武器專攻(長劍)或 擅長異種武器(精靈重劍)或 擅長異種武器(精靈細劍).
技能: 傳聞 2, 勸服 4.
基本攻擊加值: +7.
特殊: 必須信仰科瑞隆·拉瑞斯安. (牧師必須有混亂,善良,魔法,保護,戰爭領域中的兩個)
1 1 2 0 2 科瑞隆之祝福 獎勵專長
2 2 3 0 3 優雅一擊
3 3 3 1 3 身法靈動 +1
4 4 4 1 4 獎勵專長
5 5 4 1 4 自由步伐
6 6 5 2 5 身法靈動 +2
7 7 5 2 5 獎勵專長
8 8 6 2 6 科瑞隆之怒
9 9 6 3 6 身法靈動 +3
10 10 7 3 7 獎勵專長
科瑞隆之怒 - 類似聖療,可以和聖武士等級疊加。
優雅一擊 - 敏捷加值加到傷害骰上。
身法靈動 - 提升護甲最大敏捷加值。
自由步伐 - 穿中甲或重甲沒有速度懲罰。
科瑞隆之怒 - 武器攻擊+2,d6額外傷害,被視為魔法和善良武器
"When an arrow will not suffice, when no spell will overcome, a stout heart and a sharp blade may prevail. With Corellon's grace, I fear no foe who stands within reach of my sword."
Many evil warriors believe that elves, while dangerous in ranged combat, have no stomach for melee. They expect that elves would fall like leaves in an autumn windstorm once the battle becomes the work of sword and axe rather than arrow and spell. These warriors have never encountered a Champion of Corellon Larethian.
The Champion of Corellon Larethian is a noble elf fighter, an elf knight or lord who can stand up to any orc or human warrior. All elves admire the grace, discipline, and skill necessary to become a swordmaster, and the Champion of Corellon Larethian is the very paragon of elven swordmanship. Clad in shining elven mail or plate, the Champion relies on quickness, agility, and an almost scholarly study of swordplay instead of brute power.
As the name suggests, a Champion of Corellon Larethian holds a special place in elf society. Large temples of Corellon Larethian often host groups of Champions who serve as elite temple guards, advisors and bodyguards to elf rulers, and questing knights in the service of the whole elf race.
Ex-Champions or Corellon
Few Champions of Corellon Larethian ever turn to evil, but it occasionally happens. If your alignment changes to evil, you are expelled from the order and lose the supernatural abilities derived from this class (Corellon's Blessing and Corellon's Wrath). However, you are not barred from gaining more levels in this class if you so desire. You can continue to refine the combat techniques you have learned, but you cannot make use of the class's supernatural abilities.
- Hit Die: d10.
- Proficiencies: The Champion of Corellon gains no weapon or armor proficiency.
- Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier.
Race: Any elven or half-elven.
Alignment: Any non-evil.
Feats: All Martial Weapon Proficiencies, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Dodge, Expertise, Weapon Focus with Longsword or Weapon Proficiency with Thinblade or Courtblade.
Skills: Lore 2, Persuade 4.
Base Attack Bonus: +7.
Special: Must worship Corellon Larethian. (Clerics taking this class must have two of the following domains: Chaos, Good, Magic, Protection, War)
1: Corellon's blessing, Bonus Feat
2: Elegant Strike
3: Superior Defense +1
4: Bonus Feat
5: Unimpeded Movement.
6: Superior Defense +2
7: Bonus Feat
8: Corellon's Wrath
9: Superior Defense +3
10: Bonus Feat |