本帖最後由 keppekinosha 於 2011-2-21 01:21 編輯 8 q2 V) k5 S6 t- e7 r) _" L ( h- F8 W0 l7 I a, E5 e來源:Dragon Age : Redemption 5 W" L. \6 U! n3 j s2 n+ z" w |4 Y) [2 o" m0 W, G0 @
DA2製作的真人網宣影片(Web Series),與原作品關聯性看似不大(個人只覺得黛小姐玩很大),算是另一種原創的發展。 4 x1 N) b( u1 i/ m, J# P* C7 @2 n7 p1 X1 O
關於背景劇情:" p' I, D* r- X. c
In Dragon Age: Redemption, Day stars as Tallis, an Elven assassin hired by the Qunari to capture a rogue mage intent on wreaking havoc throughout the world. In her quest to find this dangerous mage, Tallis is joined by other companions who are not always aligned in their beliefs and goals, but who band together to defeat their foe, in an attempt to restore peace and balance to this dark fantasy universe.
: {8 \! G& `' _4 O
; p0 G a- C' d5 B, c3 u6 N簡單來說就是她飾演的是個叫做塔莉絲(Tallis)的精靈刺客,受雇於昆納里人來刺殺法師。 & I3 H9 k. o6 B/ c2 @! r4 A5 ]% h4 H8 l0 O
4 [, _' H) l2 t ; `% l0 G# _" Q% L% N G5 v! Z. F' _7 H
/ L6 g! E! s6 h; t+ G6 h+ s
有興趣的朋友可以持續發摟黛小姐的推特。4 f$ z: @" V3 \
( m! J c4 ?7 i" q- t她的部落格與相關活動位置。0 M t% x' }$ F# b5 _, i/ d2 x& N1 G
" o' j% T: u G' o# w( k# i5 s ) w+ w- M$ N1 ^ D% J4 _5 v巴哈DA版有關於此活動更多的訊息,有興趣的朋友可以去看看。