- 閱讀權限
- 30
生命值- 1304
法力值- 1081
金幣- 973 G
聲望- 25
- 生命骰: d8
- 擅長武器和防具:醉拳大師不會獲得任何武器與防具熟練.
- 技能點: 4 + 智力調整值.
基本攻擊加值: +4.
職業: 反射閃避職業能力
專長: 閃避,強韌加強.
技能: 翻滾6.
1 0 2 0 0 惡飲 酒瓶武器
2 1 3 0 0 回轉空突
3 2 3 1 1 醉管卷翁
4 3 4 1 1 卸除武器
5 3 4 1 1 酒醉狂暴
6 4 5 2 2 蹣跚
7 5 5 2 2 酒醉擒抱
8 6 6 2 2 酒精治療
9 6 6 3 3 精通卸除武器
10 7 7 3 3 轟欄炎炮
惡飲 - 增加力量體質,減少敏捷感知智力.
酒瓶熟練 - 可以把瓶子當作武器.
回轉空突 - 對對手衝鋒。
醉管卷翁 - 加2AC閃避加值。
酒醉狂暴 - 可以像野蠻人一樣狂暴。
酒醉擒抱 - 可以擒抱對手不會引發藉機攻擊.
酒精治療 - 把酒轉化為治療藥劑。
轟欄炎炮 - 你可以用氣點燃體內的一些酒精,並通過一個火焰呼吸從你的嘴噴出.
Martial arts students face a bewildering array of martial arts schools, each with its own adherents and detractors. But few schools are as unusual -- or as controversial -- as Drunken Boxing. By weaving and staggering about as if inebriated, drunken boxers avoid many blows. Likewise, their stumbling, lurching attacks catch their opponents off guard. Moreover, when they actually imbibe alcohol, Drunken Masters can perform truly prodigious feats of strength and bravery.
- Hit Die: d8
- Proficiencies: The Drunken Master gains no proficiencies in weapons or armor.
- Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Base Attack Bonus: +4.
Class: Evasion class ability
Feats: Great Fortitude, Dodge.
Tumble: 6 ranks.
1: Drink Like a Demon - Your body handles alcohol differently from other people. Every bottle or tankard of alcohol you consume reduces your Dexterity, Wisdom, and Intelligence by 1 point each, but increases your Strength and Constitution by 1 point. However, your Reflex save bonus, Dexterity bonus to Tumble, and AC bonus remain at their original levels regardless of your new Dexterity modifier.
Bottle Proficiency - You can use bottles as weapons using your unarmed base attack bonus.
2: Stagger - By tripping, stumbling, and staggering, you can make a charge attack that surprises your opponents.
3: Swaying Waist - You weave and bob about as you attack. You gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC against any one opponent during your turn.
4: Disarm - Character can attempt to disarm an opponent at a -6 penalty to their attack.
5: Drunken Rage - Drunken Master can rage just as a barbarian does, with duration of 1 hour. You gain +4 to Strength, +4 to Constitution, a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, and a 2 penalty to AC. This ability works when you drink an alcoholic beverage.
6: Lurch - Your lurching movements let you make one feinting-in-combat Bluff check (opposed by opponents Intelligence modifier + Charisma modifier) per round. On a successful feint, the opponents Dexterity modifier is not added to his AC on the Drunken Masters next attack. You can only lurch other humanoids.
7: Drunken Embrace - The Drunken Master can grapple an opponent without provoking an attack of opportunity, and you gain a +4 competence bonus on all opposed grapple checks.
8: For Medicinal Purposes - By combining your ki power with alcohol, you can convert an alcoholic drink to a potion of heal up to three times per day. Potion only works on character creating it.
9: Improved Disarm - Character no longer incurs an attack of opportunity while attempting to disarm and the penalty drops to -4.
10: Breath of Flame - You can use your ki to ignite the alcohol within you and spew it forth from your mouth in a breath of flame. |