![Rank: 3](static/image/common/star_level2.gif) ![Rank: 3](static/image/common/star_level1.gif)
- 閱讀權限
- 30
生命值- 1304
法力值- 1081
金幣- 973 G
聲望- 25
騎士是驕傲而技藝熟練的肉搏戰鬥者,他們以榮譽與騎士精神之名而戰. 騎士不只是依靠一柄鋒利的寶劍與一套堅實的盔甲擊敗他的敵人.他的動力,決心,與對戰鬥的熱忱使騎士能以他人所不能及的方式掌控戰鬥戰場.騎士可以向一名對手發出挑戰,要求決鬥,激起對手的驕傲與自尊心,迫使對方採取行動.騎士善於使用重型盔甲,盾牌與防禦策略,使他有能力擾亂敵人的計劃.只有最有經驗的遊蕩者與武僧才能避開騎士的防禦,攻擊他的盟友.一支由法師,術士以及其他輕甲單位組成的隊伍會在一名騎士的協助下更加強大.當騎士吸引了敵人的注意,他的盟友就無需顧慮會受到攻擊,發揮他們的天賦與能力.
- 陣營:任意守序.
- 生命骰: d12
- 武器和裝甲擅長: 騎士擅長所有簡單和軍用武器,所有輕甲,中甲,重甲,盾牌.
- 技能點: 2 + 智力調整值
1 1 0 0 2 戰鬥挑戰
2 2 0 0 3 盾牌格擋
3 3 1 1 3 防禦壁壘
4 4 1 1 4
5 5 1 1 4 警惕的防禦者 獎勵專長
6 6 2 2 5 護衛盟友
7 7 2 2 5
8 8 2 2 6 戰鬥號令
9 9 3 3 6
10 10 3 3 7 獎勵專長
11 11 3 3 7
12 12 4 4 8 破膽挑戰
13 13 4 4 8
14 14 4 4 9
15 15 5 5 9 獎勵專長
16 16 5 5 10 忠誠羈絆
17 17 5 5 10 鋼猛之韌
18 18 6 6 11
19 19 6 6 11
20 20 6 6 12 超越死亡的忠誠
戰鬥挑戰 - 挑戰敵人獲得額外攻擊和傷害.
盾牌格擋 - 對單一敵人獲得防禦加值.
防禦壁壘 - 你周圍為困難地形
勇氣試煉 - 使所有敵人攻擊你
警惕的防禦者 - 阻止生物從你身邊翻滾過去.
護衛盟友 - 分擔一個盟友受到的傷害.
戰鬥號令 - 使盟友從恐懼中解放.
破膽挑戰 - 顫慄你面前的敵人.
精通護衛盟友 - 承擔一個打擊的傷害.
忠誠羈絆 - 抵抗控制魔法
鋼猛之韌 - 避免法術檢定失敗
超越死亡的忠誠 - 在你用挑戰來使你不會死亡.
A knight is a proud, skilled melee combatant who fights in the name of honour and chivalry. A knight relies on more than a sharp sword and stout suit of armour to defeat his foes. His drive, determination, and fighting spirit allow him to control the battlefield in ways that others cannot match. A knight can challenge an opponent to a duel, calling upon the foe's ego and pride to force his hand. The knight's talent with heavy armour, shields, and defensive tactics grant him the ability to disrupt his foe's plans.
- Alignment Restrictions: Any lawful.
- Hit Die: d12
- Proficiencies: A Knight gains proficiencies with Martial and Simple Weapons, Light, Medium and Heavy Armour, and Shields.
- Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier
1: Fighting Challenge - Challenge a foe to gain a bonus to attack and damage.
2: Shield Block - Bonus to defense against a single foe.
3: Bulwark of Defense - Difficult terrain surrounds you
4: Test of Mettle - Cause creatures who are worthy to fight you
5: Vigilant Defender - Prevent creatures from tumbling past you.
Bonus Feat
6: Shield Ally - Take damage for an ally.
8: Call To Battle - Free a friend from the grips of fear.
10: Bonus Feat
12: Daunting Challenge - Enemies shake before you.
14: Improved Shield Ally - Take damage for an ally, and stop a blow completely.
15: Bonus Feat
16: Bond of Loyalty - Resist controlling magics
17: Impetuous Endurance - Shrug off failed spells
20: Loyal Beyond Death - Not even death makes you fail at a challenge.
Knight's Challenge abilities have uses per day equal to one half class level + Charisma modifier. |