- 閱讀權限
- 30
生命值- 1304
法力值- 1081
金幣- 973 G
聲望- 25
本帖最後由 冬風 於 2013-11-23 11:24 編輯
- 生命骰: d10
- 武器和盔甲擅長:龍之薩滿擅長簡單武器,輕甲,中甲和盾牌
- 技能點:起始技能點4*(2+智力調整值),升級獲得2+技能調整
本職技能:唬騙,製作武器和護甲, 躲藏, 威嚇, 跳躍,傳聞,潛行,搜索,察言觀色
Lv BAB F R W 龍息種類
1 0 2 0 2 3 光環等級1 圖騰龍
2 1 3 0 3 3 專攻技能
3 2 3 1 3 4
4 3 4 1 4 4 龍息 2d6 龍之意志
5 3 4 1 4 5 光環等級 2
6 4 5 2 5 5 龍息 3d6 治療之觸
7 5 5 2 5 6 天生盔甲 1
8 6 6 2 6 6 龍息 4d6 專攻技能
9 6 6 3 6 7 能量免疫
10 7 7 3 7 7 龍息 5d6 光環等級 3
11 8 7 3 7 7 治療之觸(移除有害狀態)
12 9 8 4 8 7 龍息 6d6 天生盔甲 1
13 9 8 4 8 7
14 10 9 4 9 7 龍息 7d6
15 11 9 5 9 7 光環等級 4
16 12 10 5 10 7 龍息 8d6 專攻技能
17 12 10 5 10 7 天生盔甲 3
18 13 11 6 11 7 龍息 9d6
19 14 11 6 11 7 龍翼
20 15 12 6 12 7 龍息10d6 光環等級5
光環: 在等級1你可以選擇3種光環,並且在每2個等級獲得額外1種,7光環等級學會全部光環. 你可以引導強大的龍的力量噴出氣息使你和你附近的盟友獲得特殊的好處,並且持續作用直到你換另一個.同一時間內你只能龍息一種氣息. 1級時,光環為+1等級,5級時變為+2,10級時+3,15級時+4,20級時+5.
專攻技能: 在第2,8,16級你可以選擇專攻技能(唬騙,躲藏,潛行).
龍息: 4級時,你獲得與你選擇的圖騰龍一致的龍息.不管原來的龍息傷害如何,所有龍息都造成2d6點等級傷害,以後每兩級增加1d6傷害(6級3d6,8級4d6,以此類推)一次成功的反射檢定會使龍息傷害減半.反射DC為10+你的龍之薩滿等級/2+你的體質調整值.就像真正的龍一樣,龍息後你必須等待1d4輪後,才可以進行另外一次龍息.圓錐形龍息4級時15尺,12級升至30尺,20級升級至60尺,線形龍息是錐形的2倍距離.
治療之觸: 在第6級, 你獲得類似聖武士聖療的能力,用一個接觸來治療別人.每天你可以治療的點數等於你的龍之薩滿等級*2*魅力調整值.11級時你可以選擇花費一些治療點數來觸碰對像來移除一些有害的效果.花費5點治療點數你可以從單一目標上移除1點屬性傷害或眩暈.花費10點治療點數你可以從單一目標上移除力竭,嘔吐,中毒或震懾.花費20點治療點數你可以從單一目標上移除一個負向等級或目盲,耳聾或疾病.
隨著你的力量持續增加,每3個等級你可以獲得獎勵專長.在22級你的天生護甲加值增加到+4,並且每5等級再+1.你的龍息等級也繼續增加, 在25級變為+6 並且並且每5等級再+1.
Dragon shamans respect true dragons as power incarnate. Some worship dragons, but most simply aspire to gain dragon powers for themselves. In assuming the abilities and the likeness of a dragon, a dragon shaman seeks to emulate that might and embody that power within himself.
- Hit Die: d10
- Proficiencies: Dragon shamans are proficient with simple weapons, with light and medium armor, and with shields.
- Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier(x4 at 1st level)
CLASS SKILLS: Bluff, Craft Armor and Weapons, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Lore, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive
Base Attack Bonus: +3/4
Strong Saves: Fortitude, Will
Draconic Auras: You can choose 3 auras at level 1, and an additional aura every two levels until you know your maximum of 7. These auras can be activated to grant benefits to you and your allies around you, and stay active until you change to a different one. You can only have one draconic aura active at any given time. Your aura level starts at +1 at 1st level, and grows to +2 at level 5, +3 at 10, +4 at 15, and +5 at level 20.
Totem Dragon: When you become a dragon shaman, you must select a metallic or chromatic dragon type that you relate to and draw your other abilities from. This dragon should be within one step of your alignment.
Skill Focus: At 2nd, 8th, and 16th levels you can select to gain Skill Focus in either Bluff, Hide, or Move Silently.
Breath Weapon: At 4th level you gain a breath weapon of the type used by your totem dragon. This breath weapon does 2d6 points of damage plus 1d6 for ever 2 class levels. The DC of the Reflex save to half it is 10 + 1/2 your class level + your Con modifier. Once you use it, you must wait 1d4 rounds before being able to use it again. If your breath weapon is a cone it goes out to 15 feet at 4th level, 30 feet at 12th level, and 60 feet at 20th level. Line breath weapons double those distances.
Draconic Resolve: At 4th level you become immune to magical sleep, paralysis, and fear effects.
Touch of Vitality: At 6th level, you gain an ability much like the paladin's lay on hands, to heal others with a single touch. Each day you can heal a number of points equal to twice your class level, multiplied by your Cha bonus.
At 11th level, you can also heal other effects at the cost of several of these points. For 5 points you can heal ability damage, or cure dazing. For 10 points you can cure poison or stunning. For 20 points you can cure blindness, deafness, disease, or negative levels.
Natural Armor: At 7th level your skin thickens, developing faint scales, improving your natural AC by 1. At level 12 this goes up to 2, and at level 17 the increase goes up to 3.
Energy Immunity: At 9th level you become immune to the energy type associated with your totem dragon.
Draconic Wings: At 19th level you grow a pair of wings that resemble your totem dragon. These wings grant a +10 bonus to Jump.
As your powers continue to grow, you can choose a bonus feat every 3 levels. Your Natural Armor bonus grows to +4 at level 22, and by +1 every 5 levels thereafter. Your draconic aura power also continues to increase, becoming +6 at 25 and growing by 1 every 5 levels thereafter. |