![Rank: 3](static/image/common/star_level2.gif) ![Rank: 3](static/image/common/star_level1.gif)
- 閱讀權限
- 30
生命值- 1304
法力值- 1081
金幣- 973 G
聲望- 25
- 生命骰: d8
- 武器盔甲熟練: 鑽石龍不會獲得額外的武器和盔甲熟練
- 技能點: 2 + 智力調整值
技能:傳聞 3 .
基礎攻擊加值: +3.
1 0 0 2 2 龍之強化 睡眠/麻痺無效
2 1 0 3 3 引導龍爪
3 2 1 3 3
4 3 1 4 4 龍息
5 3 1 4 4 龍之強化
6 4 2 5 5 引導龍翼
7 5 2 5 5
8 6 2 6 6 引導龍尾
9 6 3 6 6
10 7 3 7 7 龍之強化 氣勢兇猛光環
龍之強化 - 1級上,你在力量,敏捷,或體質(由你自選)上獲得+1加值.5級和10級上,你可以選擇是在同一屬性值上+1,還是在其它身體屬性值上+1.
引導龍爪 - 2級開始,你能夠引導寶石龍的異能以形成由心靈能量構成的爪子.展現這些爪子要耗費一個標準動作和1靈能點.在展現龍爪時,你每多付出2靈能點,就能在爪抓的攻擊擲骰和傷害擲骰上獲得+1魔化加值(最多+5)
靈能龍息: - 4級開始,你能夠展現類似於各種各樣的龍的龍息.這樣做會消耗5靈能點,造成寒,電,火,或音系傷害;成功通過反射檢定(DC10+職業等級+你的智力調整值)傷害減半.
引導龍翼 -展現翅膀要耗費7靈能點,你能造出由心靈能量構成的翅膀,持續時間1分鐘每顯能者等級,並且在跳躍上獲得+10加值.
引導龍尾 - 展現尾巴要耗費9靈能點,你能造出一條由心靈能量構成的長尾巴,持續1分鐘每等級.你在龍尾上每多付出2靈能點,就能在它的攻擊擲骰和傷害擲骰上獲得+1魔化加值(最多+5)
氣勢兇猛光環 - 氣勢兇猛要消耗11靈能點;施展之後你獲得啟動類似於龍的氣勢兇猛的光環的能力,它會持續5回合.你在氣勢兇猛光環上每多付出1靈能點,它的持續時間就能增加1回合.
Not all draconic secrets are about magic. In addition to the well-known chromatic and metallic true dragons, there are the gem dragons. Clinging more closely to neutrality, these beasts of crystal and thought are masters of the power of the mind, rather than of arcane forces. Much as sages believe the better-known dragons were the first to harness arcane magic, psionic scholars think the gem dragons were the first to unlock the vast potential of the mind. The boldest of them study the link between gem dragons and psionics, learning to tap into what they refer to as the "draconic psionic collective." They see themselves as drawing power from psionic dragon energy and call themselves diamond dragons, after the rarest of gemstones.
- Hit Die: d8
- Proficiencies: A Diamond Dragon gains no additional proficiencies.
- Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier
Skills: Lore 3 ranks.
Manifesting: Must be able to manifest 3rd level powers.
Base Attack Bonus: +3.
Alignment: Any Neutral.
1: Dragon Augmentation - The Diamond Dragon can choose to gain a +1 in either Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution as they work to become more dragonlike.
Immunity to Sleep and Paralysis - By drawing on the mental powers of gem dragons, Diamond Dragons are able to overcome magical sleep and paralyzation effects.
2: Channel Dragon Claws - The Diamond Dragon can channel the power of gem dragons to form claws. These claws costs 1 power point and last one minute per manifester level. For each 2 points of augmentation they gain a magical +1 bonus, to a maximum of +5.
4: Psionic Breath Weapon - The Diamond Dragon can manifest a breath weapon similar to those of various dragons. It costs 5 power points and deals cold, electricity, fire, or sonic damage as chosen by the manifester in a 30 foot cone, or 60 foot line for electricity. The save DC is 10 + Class Level + Int modifier, and you can increase the damage by one die for every point of augmentation.
5: Dragon Augmentation
6: Channel Dragon Wings - For 7 power points, the manifester can create wings of psionic energy lasting one minute per manifester level, and granting a +10 to jump.
8: Channel Dragon Tail - For 9 power points, the manifester can create a dragon tail made of psionic energy lasting one minute per manifester level. For each 2 points of augmentation it gains a magical +1 bonus, to a maximum of +5.
10: Dragon Augmentation
Psionic Frightful Presence - For 11 power points the manifester can project a frightful presence aura similar to those created by dragons. It lasts for 5 rounds normally, but can be extended by 1 round for each point of augmentation.
Upon reaching levels 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10 the Diamond Dragon gains a new manifester level, increasing his power points, powers known, and maximum power level. |