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[內容分享] [PRC傳奇職業]傳奇天祐者(Epic Favored Soul) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

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生命骰: d8.
技能點: 2 + 智力調整值.

法術: 天祐者的施法者等級等於他的職業等級.天祐者的每日法術量到20級就停止增加,也不會學會新的法術.
精通能量抵抗 (Ex): 22級和之後每4個等級天祐者可以+10一種他的能量抵抗.
神賜禮物 (Ex): 25級和之後每4個等級,天祐者和他的神之間的連接更加強大並且從身體上體現出來.他能選擇下面的好處.
傷害減免 (Ex): 天祐者的傷害減免+2.
增加飛行: 天祐者的飛行速度+10英尺
天生護甲: 天祐者的天生天然防禦加值+2.
神聖屬性: 天祐者獲得+1他所選擇的屬性.每次選擇必須選擇新的屬性.
神聖技能: 天祐者在一個技能上獲得+4神聖加值.每次選擇必須選擇新的技能.
神聖施法: 天祐者選擇一個他知道的法術,被選擇的法術等級必須等於或小於天祐者的職業等級除以10.他每天可以施放這個法術一次而不會佔用法術位,每次釋放這個法術時施法者等級按+2計算.每次選擇必須選擇新的法術.
獎勵專長: 23級和之後每4個等級天祐者獲得獎勵專長.
傳奇天祐者獎勵專長列表: 製造傳奇武器和護甲, 致命一擊, 恐怖衝鋒, 魔法威力提升, 傳奇堅忍, 傳奇戰鬥技巧, 傳奇速度, 傳奇法術專攻, 傳奇法術穿透, 傳奇法術, 傳奇武器專攻, 傳奇武器專精, 延長壽命, 無視法術原料, 精通戰鬥施法, 精通法術升階, 精通超魔, 改善法術記憶位, 強化施法, 毀滅重擊, 完美體魄, 恆久散發, 法術仿製, 強韌法術.

An epic favored soul continues to grow closer to her deity, gaining more and more divine characteristics and resistances. A truly high level epic favored soul is easily mistaken for an angel, devil, demon, or similar outsider.

Hit Die: d8.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Spells: The favored soul's caster level is equal to her class level. The favored soul's number of spells per day does not increase after 20th level. The favored soul does not learn additional spells.

Improved Energy Resistance (Ex): Starting at 22nd level, and every four levels thereafter, the favored soul adds +10 to one of her three energy resistances.

Divine Gift (Ex): At 25th level and every five levels thereafter, a favored soul's bond with her deity grows stronger and manifests physically. She can choose any one of the following benefits at this time.

Damage Reduction (Ex): The favored soul's damage reduction increases by +2.

Increased Flight: The favored soul's flying speed increases by +10 ft.

Natural Armor: The favored soul's natural armor bonus increases by +2.

Sacred Ability: The favored soul gains a +1 bonus to an ability score of her choice. Each time this gift is chosen, the favored soul must select a new ability to modify.

Sacred Skill: The favored soul gains a +4 sacred bonus on one skill. Each time this gift is chosen, the favored soul must select a new skill to modify.

Sacred Spell: The favored soul selects one spell she knows; the selected spell's level must be equal to or less than her favored soul level divided by 10. She can cast this spell one time each day without expending a spell slot, and each time she casts this spell it resolves at caster level +2. Each time this gift is chosen, the favored soul must select a new spell to make sacred.

These benefits carry with them some form of physical change appropriate to the favored soul's deity. This can be something as simple as glowing eyes, or it can be something as impressive as skin made of liquid fire. In all cases, apart from the actual game benefit granted by the divine gift, this change is physical only.

Bonus Feats: The epic favored soul gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic favored soul feats) at 23rd level and again every three levels after that.

Epic Favored Soul Bonus Feat List: Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, Devastating Critical, Dire Charge, Enhance Spell, Epic Endurance, Epic Prowess, Epic Speed, Epic Spell Focus, Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Spellcasting, Epic Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Specialization, Extend Life Span, Ignore Material Components, Improved Combat Casting, Improved Heighten Spell, Improved Metamagic, Improved Spell Capacity, Intensify Spell, Overwhelming Critical, Perfect Health, Permanent Emanation, Spell Stowaway, Tenacious Magic.
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