- 閱讀權限
- 30
生命值- 1304
法力值- 1081
金幣- 973 G
聲望- 25
- 生命骰: d8
- 武器和盔甲熟練: 影日忍者沒有額外的武器和盔甲熟練.
- 技能點: 4 + 智力調整值
1 0 2 2 2 武僧能力 影日之觸
2 1 3 3 3 影日之焰
3 2 3 3 3
4 3 4 4 4 暗中之光
5 3 4 4 4 光中之暗
6 4 5 5 5
7 5 5 5 5 影日之空
8 6 6 6 6 光影之子
9 6 6 6 6
10 7 7 7 7 光影之衡
武僧能力 - 你把你的職業等級加入到決定你徒手攻擊傷害和震懾拳次數上去.你獲得武僧AC加值.
影日之觸 - 做一個近戰觸摸負能量傷害.下一回合治療觸摸生物.
影日之焰 - 10/寒冷抵抗1輪.投擲能量箭造成2d6火焰傷害.
暗中之光 - 爆發出一團沸騰的光環.沒有偵察到你的對手都必須進行一次強韌豁免(DC10+1/2角色等級+感知調整)否則目盲1輪.
光中之暗 - 通過使自己目盲來獲得對抗目盲的敵人+4攻擊和傷害加值.
影日之空 - 獲得+2偏轉AC加值.敵人受到8d6傷害,通過強韌豁免(DC10+1/2角色等級+感知調整)減半.
光影之子 - 不發交替在60'半徑內造成目盲或者黑暗.
光影之衡 - 變成黑暗生物.可以做造成負等級的攻擊.
等級 已知招式 準備招式 已知步法
1 1 0 0
2 0 0 0
3 1 1 0
4 0 0 0
5 1 0 1
6 0 1 0
7 1 0 0
8 0 0 0
9 1 1 0
10 0 0 0
A Shadow Sun Ninja is a martial artist who studies the balance between good and evil, light and dark. Founded by a reformed half-fiend, this fighting school teaches its students to find power in balance. A Shadow Sun Ninja uses dark energies to drain his foe's life, but then turns and uses the power of light to lend that stolen strength to an ally. A Shadow Sun Ninja is a study in contrasts. She knows that evil lurks in the hearts of all living creatures. Even the purest of the pure suffer temptation. By exploring her inner demons, bringing them into the light, and accepting them as a part of her soul, she achieves a deeper understanding of herself and the strength within her. A Shadow Sun Ninja would argue that denying, rather than accepting, one's base impulses would be the same as refusing to use one's left arm.
- Hit Die: d8
- Proficiencies: An eternal blade gains no additional proficiencies.
- Skill Points: 4 + Int Modifier
Alignment: Any good
Base Attack Bonus: +3
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike
Martial Maneuvers: Must know one 2nd-level Setting Sun or Shadow Hand maneuver, one Setting Sun maneuver of any level, and one Shadow Hand maneuver of any level.
1: Monk abilities - You add your class levels to determine your unarmed damage and number of Stunning Fist attempts. You gain the AC bonus of a monk.
Touch of the Shadow Sun - Make a melee touch attack for negative energy damage. On the following turn touch a creature to heal target.
2: Flame of the Shadow Sun - Cold resistance 10 for one round. Hurl bolt of energy at target for 2d6 fire damage.
4: Light within darkness - Burst into a corona of light. If target failed to see you hiding, they make Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wisdom modifier) or be blinded for 1 round.
5: Darkness within light - Blind yourself to gain +4 bonus to attack rolls and damage to blinded opponents.
7: Void of the Shadow Sun - Gain +2 deflection bonus to AC. If hit, project pulse causing 8d6 points of cold damage, with a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wisdom modifier) for half damage.
8: Child of shadow and light - Stance alternating between 60'-radius burst causing dazzle and 60'-radius darkness.
10: Balance of light and dark - Transform into creature of darkness. Can make attacks causing negative levels.
Maneuvers Stances
Level Known Readied Known
1 1 0 0
2 0 0 0
3 1 0 0
4 0 0 0
5 0 1 1
6 1 0 0
7 0 0 0
8 0 0 0
9 1 0 0
10 0 1 0