- 閱讀權限
- 30
生命值- 1304
法力值- 1081
金幣- 973 G
聲望- 25
- 生命骰: d8
- 武器和防具擅長:提亞瑪特的利爪擅長所有的簡單武器,軍用武器,所有類型的盔甲,以及盾牌.
- 技能點:2+智力調整值
陣營: 任意邪惡
基本攻擊加值: +4.
技能: 唬騙 4,威嚇 4,傳聞 4.
專長: 巨龍奴僕
1 0 2 0 0 龍息(錐形寒氣)
2 1 3 0 0 巨龍之聲 +2
3 2 3 1 1 龍息(線形強酸)
4 3 4 1 1 銳利視覺
5 3 4 1 1 龍息(錐形腐蝕性氣體)
6 4 5 2 2 免疫 巨龍之聲 +4
7 5 5 2 2 龍息(線形閃電)
8 6 6 2 2 銳利視覺 氣勢兇猛
9 6 6 3 3 龍息(錐形火焰)
10 7 7 3 3 支配巨龍 巨龍之聲 +6
龍息 -提亞瑪特的利爪可以噴出錐形寒氣,這種龍息造成3D6點寒冷傷害.3級起,提亞瑪特的利爪可以噴出線形強酸(8D4點強酸傷害).5級起,他可以噴出錐形腐蝕性氣體(10D6點強酸傷害).7級起,他可以噴出線形閃電(12D8點閃電傷害).9級起,他可以噴出錐形火焰(14D8點火焰傷害).
巨龍之聲 - 提亞瑪特的利爪在唬騙和威嚇鑒定上獲得+2加值.之後此獎勵每4個等級增加+2,從6級起達到+4,從10級起達到+6.
銳利視覺 - 4級起,提亞瑪特的利爪獲得昏暗視覺.8級起,提亞瑪特的利爪獲得黑暗視覺.
免疫 - 6級起,提亞瑪特的利爪對魔法睡眠和麻痺免疫.另外,提亞瑪特的利爪還能從下列能量類型中選擇一種進行免疫:強酸,寒冷,閃電,和火焰.
氣勢兇猛 - 8級起,提亞瑪特的利爪只憑氣勢就可以令對手感到極度不安.提亞瑪特的利爪能以一個即時動作來啟動他的氣勢兇猛能力.處於提亞瑪特的利爪周圍半徑30尺/魅力調整值(最少30尺)範圍內,並且HD比提亞瑪特的利爪少的生物都將受到此效果影響(龍類免疫此效果).
The talon of Tiamat furthers the goals of evil dragonkind. He takes particular delight in causing harm to metallic dragons and their allies.
The talons of Tiamat welcome characters from any class or background, as long as they share a dedication to evil. Former fighters and barbarians rub shoulders with those who practice sorcery or divine magic. Even ex-paladins can find a home among the talons.
Talons of Tiamat may work individually or in groups, as befits their plans. They work well with evil characters of any stripe, and ally with evil dragons when possible.
- Hit Die: d8
- Proficiencies: A Talon of Tiamat gains proficiency with all armors, shields, and all simple and martial weapons.
- Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier
Alignment: Any evil.
Base Attack Bonus: +4.
Skills: Bluff 4 ranks, Intimidate 4 ranks, Lore 4 ranks.
Feats: Dragonthrall
1: Breath Weapon - You can breathe a cone of cold that does 3d6 cold damage, with a Reflex save of DC 10 + class level + Con modifier for half damage. You can only use this breath weapon once every 1d4 rounds.
2: Voice of the Dragon +2 - You gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate and Bluff checks.
3: Breath Weapon - 8d4 line of acid
4: Keen Senses - Low-light Vision
5: Breath Weapon - 10d6 cone of acidic gas
6: Immunities - You gain immunity to sleep and paralysis. In addition, you can choose fire, cold, acid, or electricity, and gain immunity to that element.
Voice of the Dragon +4
7: Breath Weapon - 12d8 line of lightning
8: Keen Senses - Darkvision
Frightful Presence - You can project an aura of fear much like that generated by dragons. This can be turned off or on at will.
9: Breath Weapon - 14d8 cone of fire
10: Voice of the Dragon +6
Dominate Dragon - Once per day you can attempt to dominate a dragon as the spell Dominate Monster. The DC is 10 + class level + Cha modifier.
Every other level the Talon of Tiamat gains spells per day and a caster level in an arcane caster class, as if they had leveled in that class. |