- 閱讀權限
- 30
生命值- 1304
法力值- 1081
金幣- 973 G
聲望- 25
戰魂是一群主張發掘並使用戰爭藝術裡的無比知識的老練戰士.通過結合對一卷被稱為塔勒利克古籍(Talariic Codex)的古代文本的內在沉思和外在學習,戰魂增進他們戰鬥和戰爭的技藝.研究塔勒利克古籍的人們學習到幾條原則,全都被稱為戰爭之鏈.當一名戰魂掌握了一條戰爭之鏈,他也為自己打開了學習下一條鏈的道路,能否強烈地掌握自己的精神是繼續透徹學習提升這個職業所必須的條件.
- 生命骰: d10
- 武器和裝甲擅長: 無.
- 技能點: 2 + 智力調整值
力能: 必須有至少1點靈能點儲備.
技能: 傳聞 8.
基本攻擊加值: +3.
陣營: 非混亂.
1 1 2 2 0 個人優越之鏈
2 2 3 3 0 防禦姿態之鏈
3 3 3 3 1 持久身軀
4 4 4 4 1
5 5 4 4 1 掃蕩之擊
6 6 5 5 2 持久身軀
7 7 5 5 2 個人優越之鏈
8 8 6 6 2 防禦姿態之鏈
9 9 6 6 3 持久身軀
10 10 7 7 3 無敵力量之鏈
個人優越之鏈 - 增加力量體質,持續1分鐘
防禦姿態之鏈 - 增加AC持續1分鐘
持久身軀 - 傷害減免.
掃蕩之擊 - 每次攻擊可以打到2個生物
無敵力量之鏈 - 單次攻擊造成10d6傷害
顯能: 戰魂從心靈武士異能列表選擇異能.戰魂通過高感知獲得獎勵靈能點.戰魂異能的豁免難度等級為10+異能等級+戰魂的感知調整值.要展現一道靈能,戰魂至少需要有10+該異能等級的感知值.
等級 靈能點數 已知異能 最大異能等級
1 2 1 1
2 5 2 1
3 9 2 1
4 14 3 2
5 20 3 2
6 28 4 3
7 37 4 3
8 47 5 4
9 58 5 4
10 70 6 5
War minds are expert fighters who claim to possess unequaled knowledge in the arts of war. Through a combination of inner contemplation and external study of an ancient text called the Talariic Codex, war minds grow in their craft of arms and war. Those who study the Talariic Codex learn several tenets, collectively known as the chains of war. As a war mind masters one chain, he opens himself to learn the next chain in the series, should he desire to continue to bend his mind to the intensive studies required to advance in this class.
- Hit Die: d10
- Proficiencies: A War mind gains no additional proficiencies.
- Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier
Psionics: Must possess a power point reserve of at least 1 power point.
Skills: Lore 8 ranks.
Base Attack Bonus: +3.
Alignment: Non-Chaotic.
1: Chain of Personal Superiority - +2 Str and Con for 1 minute. 3 times per day.
2: Chain of Defensive Posture - +2 Armour Class for 1 minute. 3 times per day.
3: Enduring Body - Damage Reduction 1.
5: Sweeping Strike - On every attack, the Warmind swings at two creatures.
6: Enduring Body - Damage Reduction 2.
7: Chain of Personal Superiority - +4 Str and Con for 1 minute. 3 times per day.
8: Chain of Defensive Posture - +4 Armour Class for 1 minute. 3 times per day.
9: Enduring Body - Damage Reduction 3.
10: Chain of Overwhelming Force - 10d6 Damage on a single attack. 1 time per day.
Manifesting: The War Mind chooses his powers from the Psychic Warrior power list. Follow the table below to determine his manifesting ability. War Minds receive bonus power points from a high Wisdom score.
Level Power Points Powers Known Power Level
1 2 1 1
2 5 2 1
3 9 2 1
4 14 3 2
5 20 3 2
6 28 4 3
7 37 4 3
8 47 5 4
9 58 5 4
10 70 6 5 |