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[分享] 關於Item Pack 2 Rogue套件中MacTir護甲的敘述 [複製鏈接]



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發表於 2011-9-28 13:16:48 |只看該作者 |正序瀏覽
本帖最後由 keppekinosha 於 2011-9-28 14:36 編輯 % m9 }9 r* z: Q& @- `3 `

) {$ f+ {. B  a# I6 Z  我在百度這個討論串的17樓,提到關於MacTir護甲與小說「The Stolen Throne」的關聯性。& ~& g5 H, F; d: j1 H3 V

/ m  b5 L5 O) F5 d/ c  我把兩部分的原文(Codex含翻譯)提放在這裡。
7 g5 {+ `& ~9 m* d- s/ ^
& Q- T, c1 r& X( V4 a- J6 z" N
Teyrn Loghain Mac Tir was not born a nobleman. It's said his family descended from freeholders in the western Bannorn, a region known as Oswin. His father, Gareth, would have had no surname of his own. He likely would only have described himself as "of Oswin" or "ban Aehswin" (as the region would have been known in the Old Tongue).
6 z/ O# ^$ R; k9 L; T4 }4 i& F7 c- J4 s7 p* N
The name "Mac Tir" means "son of the land." It was bestowed upon Loghain by King Maric after the Battle of River Dane. The Fereldan people considered the name highly appropriate: to them, Teyrn Loghain was a son of the entire nation, and he was famously said to have told a crowd that Ferelden would forever be "part of his blood."
/ E8 D* J# [5 i: D' V! N8 `6 \+ c5 w  ]$ \5 U1 e1 }
After Loghain's betrayal of King Cailan at Ostagar in 9:30 Dragon, the general became as reviled as he had once been revered. His manse in Gwaren was looted and many of his personal possessions stolen—among them the armor he wore at the Battle of River Dane. That armor is said to have had special significance to the man. One peculiarity of the armor was a square of red silk pinned to one of the shoulderbelts. "For luck," Loghain once explained.
6 T" x( G: ?, w* [9 C, a; u7 q8 \& p2 V3 Z* I
洛根.麥緹公爵並非生來就是個貴族,據說他的家族原本是(世襲的)地主,出身於班農西部一個名叫奧斯溫的地方。他的父親葛瑞沒有自己的姓氏──他更願意稱呼自己為「奧斯溫的」或「鄂斯溫之(該地區的古典詞彙)」葛瑞。0 f9 t+ a! y: O- t1 h( ~
# z0 ^4 k# [( d- u1 G
/ b4 \$ B8 I2 j) S; @% U' m  X5 K2 L9 O
7 h" ?  F! ]$ Y9 ?- f
; n; c+ m% _3 z" e(按:那個方巾可能是小說「The Stolen Throne」中,洛根對羅玟告白時的紀念。當時羅玟第一次穿上紅絲綢連身裙做女性打扮,卻被馬利克給甩了……;儘管羅玟最終成為馬利克的王后,但仍不敵黑暗衍生物的腐毒而死去,這場打擊改變了兩個男人的下半生。)
/ J& G9 c. M5 t

# v3 W3 m1 r% `: H5 }然後是「The Stolen Throne」該段節錄:(抱歉,實在沒空翻)
6 b# z1 u) p& D1 L3 _, W. Y# g
Outside the tent, Rowan watched in stony silence as the lantern light within was extinguished. She wore a red dress of silk, a Calabrian garment that bared her shoulders.
9 E; T3 t3 p7 o
( s& j% _% t5 N  EThe sharp-faced woman who sold it to her had pointed out that Rowan was too muscled to wear such a dress, that her shoulders were too broad. The silk felt luxurious against her skin, however, so much different from the leather and metal she was used to.4 N3 {$ C. r+ Y1 J1 ^
0 r2 a& V! Q, T  H
So she had bought it despite the woman, though she had never once had the occasion to wear it since.1 t: [- ?5 m* @. P

+ V7 G; [0 L: M! @; v& f2 T
. t8 `, {+ p1 J6 ^2 J- nShe regretted wearing it now, and regretted coming, yet as she stood there in the darkness, she found she could not will herself to move.
& [: \  Z3 z- F$ ^) f: A$ c
) q& v4 u9 j( {- v$ O  P; i, Y5 b' yThe guard slumped nearby, fast asleep and snoring lightly. Rowan shook her head in exasperation, tempted to kick the man awake. What if it had been an assassin come to visit Maric instead of the elven woman? But they were all exhausted from the long battles, and no doubt the guard was assigned to his post while nearly asleep on his feet. She could forgive the nameless guard his lapse in judgment, but only his.
  o6 q, \/ I% [. h3 \+ u$ v- c- b
- Z' |& A' B; p# i, V) c" nWhen she heard the first faint moan coming from inside, finally she stepped away. Perhaps it was only her imagination, but either way, she decided she could not stay where she was. I do not want to hear this, she told herself, coldness clutching at her heart." k4 w$ B- ^# W$ o. L

0 x1 p9 `( q' O& D- b  ?+ T# h& o! ^
Her steps were stealthy as she maneuvered among the tents. Many bodies were slumbering on the ground, some even on top of each other. The smell of ale was everywhere. The celebration had been lengthy after the Orlesians had taken to the forest in disarray. Even though looting was discouraged, they couldn’t help but look the other way as the men scoured the town’s taverns for ale barrels and wine. They deserved a celebration after two such fine victories.
  ^( D' P4 X3 o# A- K
, i" S9 v; o3 n$ d' r# V, @Rowan had watched them drink, but did not partake. All she could think about was thrusting her sword into the mage, the fury she had felt blinding her reason.) z; ^4 T4 G! T7 {4 y
% }( B4 }0 y# |( G! y& a4 f( q
Making him suffer was all that had mattered to her. Was there to be nothing more to her life than blood? She had gone to Maric thinking . . . thinking . . . You weren’t thinking at all, she scolded herself. This was a terrible idea.6 Y3 I$ `( X- T$ W1 L/ g1 \' ~
7 f" W# [1 ]) b0 D
She came out of the tents into the unoccupied portion of the manor’s courtyard. On clear ground, Rowan slowed to a stop. She breathed the night air deeply, standing stiffly under the glare of the moon. She felt ill, and part of her wanted nothing more than to rip the dress away from her skin, tear it into shreds. She wanted to keep walking, to leave the manor grounds and become lost within the restless shadows of the forest.
/ v( o+ L% B, V" Q% s
2 ?* E9 n3 c3 ~, H“Rowan?”6 h3 }& n/ n3 q
) q1 E0 m% W2 [( }8 ]
She turned sharply toward the sound and saw Loghain approaching. He was bandaged and wearing a simple longshirt and leather trousers, and he seemed more than a little confused to see her. Finally he stopped, staring at her with those unsettling eyes. They made her shudder, as they always did.4 z) s4 m) _% m8 Z/ K1 C, b& \4 N
$ N$ j% m& A9 R/ R
“It is you,” he said, his tone guarded.
, S' B+ a& I* s' j
/ Q5 a/ E3 y& |0 a2 c/ _! e
+ V' i8 e. \+ }& l7 u“I couldn’t sleep.”
( o/ D' z6 }1 I: z) y4 T
$ Q; Q- {+ M, C  [8 x“So you . . . decided to put on a fine dress and go for a walk?”8 Q. X: E% H7 Q
# b) }% Q) J2 y1 M2 h% r+ X/ U# I
She said nothing in response, folding her arms around herself and staring at the ground. Instead of leaving, however, Loghain remained where he was. She could feel those eyes fixed on her even if she didn’t see them. The forest shadows beckoned, but she ignored their maddening call.
4 Z2 w; c3 A1 n" q, b& W9 D$ R% q5 P# }& l
“You look beautiful,” he told her.  C, Q2 ^* |* W: |2 j6 M6 d

: \. h* c- Y, a) K# u' U4 URowan held up a hand to stop him, taking a painful breath before speaking. “Don’t do this,” she protested weakly.9 F, s. }8 ^( s( U/ h

# J* s9 |  t( s" {+ d% l% bLoghain nodded somberly, and for a long moment he said nothing. The wind whistled through the stones of the manor walls, and the moon shone high overhead. It was easy to pretend there was no army camped around them, no sleeping soldiers and men in their tents a stone’s throw away. They were alone in the darkness, a gaping chasm between them.
" u1 [, z  {. W2 `: H“I am not a fool,” he said quietly. “I see how you look at him.”, P6 P1 V% n$ W; v# D' a: a& ^

' {6 \$ B' w! B. J" }“You do?” Her tone was bitter.
3 V. N6 I& Y# ^( H! p+ \) P0 |. ?$ w" X: ^4 F
“I know you are promised to him. I know you are to become his Queen.” He stepped toward her, taking her cold hands in his. She looked away from him, grimacing, and it only made him look at her sadly. “I have known these things since I first met you. For three years, I have tried to accept that this is how it must be, and yet . . . still I can’t stop thinking of you.”) t* S! W9 {- p3 ?
) \# L/ ^  i/ Q2 o7 d6 t, \
“Stop!” she hissed, pulling her hands away. Loghain stared at her, his eyes tortured, but she couldn’t care, couldn’t. Angry tears streamed down her cheeks as she backed away from him. “For the love of the Maker, don’t do this,” she begged.
% V8 I6 T% v/ ?4 m& z7 V9 _8 A1 Z  s7 h4 y/ L7 A+ O
Loghain’s stricken look twisted up her insides all the more. She clamped down on her anguish and turned away. “Just leave me alone. Whatever you thought . . . Whatever you wanted from me—” She wiped at her eyes, and found herself wishing again that she was in her armor instead of that flimsy, useless dress. “—I cannot . . . I will not be that woman.” Her tone was brusque and final.2 m( J0 a9 H* N! Q- K

1 U: M  {& O1 a( [Rowan fled, her back stiff and the train of her red dress trailing behind her. She didn’t look back.
% ?4 a" O  X, ~: V" p  r8 R5 O% u% _

. d4 E  d. l/ ], b! f9 ~/ l4 w. l
& V& B, X" l8 N7 Y- ^1 b
1 W" `! o. w9 N: s* k- \( G
  R8 S. V' F' a9 m: O" O  m) X  T7 z當然在現在的動畫作品中,這種作為通常只會立起某種旗......
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