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[伯特教授認領,已完成]-隊友狀態篇 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 2010-5-1 17:46:47 |顯示全部樓層 |倒序瀏覽
A Reunion with Gorim

Reunion with Your Father

Vaughan Imprisoned

瑟夫朗's Betrayal

蕾莉安娜's Past

阿拉斯特 and Goldanna

Imprisoned in Fort Drakon

Your Rescue

Plague in the Alienage

The Slavers Defeated

Freeing Riordan


The Queen Rescued

The Landsmeet

Anora's Support

Anora's Betrayal

Earning the Support of the Landsmeet

The Landsmeet Supports Loghain

The Duel

Loghain's Execution

Loghain's Execution

阿拉斯特 as Ferelden's Ruler

Anora as Ferelden's Ruler




Anora Sent Away



Loghain's 加入


丹諾林 in Peril

摩瑞根 Approaches




Refusing 摩瑞根's Ritual


The Charge

Riordan's Heroism


The Death of the Archdemon


阿拉斯特 Talks About Goldanna

Meeting Goldanna

阿拉斯特's Disappointment

Hardened By Life



阿拉斯特 Rejected

Admission of Love

Duty Comes First


瑟夫朗's Life is Spared

A True Friend

瑟夫朗's Conflict

瑟夫朗 Says Goodbye

瑟夫朗 Stays


瑟夫朗's Confession

瑟夫朗 Talks About Your Marriage

瑟夫朗 Threatens to Leave

瑟夫朗 Takes His Leave

瑟夫朗's Death

The Mabari Hound

歐格仁's Friendship

歐格仁's Defeat

歐格仁 Takes His Leave

歐格仁's Death

Meeting 摩瑞根 in the Wilds

Flemeth's Offer

摩瑞根 Plots To Destroy Flemeth

Confronting Flemeth

摩瑞根 is Unsettled

摩瑞根's Gift


The Last Straw

Betraying 摩瑞根

摩瑞根 Takes Her Leave

Refusing 摩瑞根's Ritual

摩瑞根's Ritual

蕾莉安娜 Joins Your Cause

蕾莉安娜 Reveals Her Feelings

The End of a Relationship

蕾莉安娜's Breaking Point

蕾莉安娜's Anger

蕾莉安娜 Takes Her Leave

蕾莉安娜's Death

Sten's Second Chance

The Lost Sword

Sten Takes His Leave

Sten Loses It

Meeting 溫妮

溫妮 Offers To Join You

溫妮's Death

溫妮's Death

溫妮 Loses Her Temper

溫妮 Takes Her Leave

You encountered Gorim in 丹諾林. He had been making his living as a merchant.

You were reunited with your father upon your return to the 丹諾林 alienage.

You encountered Vaughan in Arl Howe's prison.

You were ambushed by the 安提凡 Crows and 瑟夫朗.

蕾莉安娜 went to 丹諾林 to confront an old enemy.

阿拉斯特 visited the home of the woman he believed was his sister.

You were captured and imprisoned in Fort Drakon.

Your companions banded together and rescued you from Fort Drakon.

There was unrest in the elven alienage, and you were sent to investigate.

You foiled the plans of the Tevinter slavers who were selling elves into bondage.

You freed Riordan, an Orlesian Grey Warden, from Howe's prison.

You killed Arl Howe while freeing Queen Anora.

Queen Anora was being held by Howe. You were sent to free her.

Loghain was confronted during the Landsmeet.

Queen Anora supported the Grey Wardens in the Landsmeet.

Queen Anora betrayed you at the Landsmeet and declared her support for her father.

The nobles of the Landsmeet decided to support you.

The nobles of the Landsmeet decided to support Loghain.

A duel was fought to settle the dispute between you and Loghain once and for all.

Loghain was executed for his crimes.

阿拉斯特 executed Loghain for his crimes.

阿拉斯特 was chosen as Ferelden's next king.

It was agreed that Anora would continue to rule Ferelden as queen.

It was decided at the Landsmeet that Anora and 阿拉斯特 would marry, and rule Ferelden jointly.

You are a noble of the Cousland bloodline, and your marriage to 阿拉斯特 would benefit Ferelden.

You are a noble of the Cousland bloodline, and your marriage to Anora would benefit Ferelden.

Queen Anora was sent away to live out the rest of her days in a cloister.

Queen Anora had 阿拉斯特 executed in order to secure her position as Ferelden's Queen.

阿拉斯特 renounced all claim to the throne, and was exiled from Ferelden.

Loghain took the Joining to become a Grey Warden, in the hopes that he could undo the damage he caused.

The 黑暗衍生物 attacked 紅色峭壁 in force, and it had to be defended.

You discovered that the bulk of the horde was marching on 丹諾林.

摩瑞根 came to tell you about a ritual that would ensure that the Grey Warden who kills the archdemon does not die.

You agreed to help 摩瑞根 complete her ritual.

You convinced 阿拉斯特 to help 摩瑞根 complete her ritual.

You convinced Loghain to help 摩瑞根 complete her ritual.

You refused to have anything to do with 摩瑞根's ritual.

The armies of Ferelden were inspired by a rousing speech.

The armies engaged in the last final battle for Ferelden.

Riordan took on the archdemon himself.

You entered Fort Drakon to engage the archdemon.

The archdemon's death caused the 黑暗衍生物 to flee. The Blight is ended.

阿拉斯特 spoke to you about the nightmares you shared.

阿拉斯特 told you about a woman called Goldanna, who he believes is his half-sister.

阿拉斯特 sought out Goldanna at her home in 丹諾林.

阿拉斯特 was disappointed to learn that Goldanna was not the family he was hoping for.

阿拉斯特 learned that he needed to harden himself, because life is unforgiving.

阿拉斯特 was grateful for being given 鄧肯之盾.

The horn is nearly inaudible.

阿拉斯特 seemed jealous about the time you were spending with another of your companions.

阿拉斯特 had to come to terms with your rejection of him.

阿拉斯特 admitted his love for you.

阿拉斯特 believed that his duty as king came before your relationship, and ended it.

Your actions drove 阿拉斯特 to the breaking point.

You spared 瑟夫朗, and even let him join you.

瑟夫朗 fought alongside you against his former Crow companions, proving himself a loyal asset.

瑟夫朗 was unable to join his former Crow companions in the battle against you, and left the scene.

With Taliesin dead, 瑟夫朗 was free, and he left your company in order to pursue other opportunities.

With Taliesin dead, 瑟夫朗 was free and considered leaving your company. However, you gave him a reason to stay.

Your relationship with 瑟夫朗 ended.

瑟夫朗 confessed his feelings for you.

You and 瑟夫朗 had a discussion about your impending marriage.

Your actions drove 瑟夫朗 to the breaking point.

瑟夫朗 left your company.


You saved the mabari hound at 奧斯特加, and he chose you as his master.

You and 歐格仁 became close friends after spending time together.

You beat 歐格仁 into submission when he questioned you.

歐格仁 had had enough of you and left.

You killed 歐格仁.

A mysterious woman who called herself 摩瑞根 approached you in the wilds. She said that her mother, Flemeth, had protected the Grey Warden treaties.

Flemeth gave 摩瑞根 to you and said that you would need her help.

摩瑞根 realized that Flemeth needed to die so that she might live.

You went to Flemeth's hut to confront her about her plans for 摩瑞根.

摩瑞根 was unsettled by her growing feelings for you.

摩瑞根 gave you a ring, which she says will allow her to find you wherever you are.

Your relationship with 摩瑞根 did not last.

摩瑞根 was furious with you, and left your company.

You told the templars that 摩瑞根 was an apostate. 摩瑞根 did not appreciate it.

摩瑞根 left your company.

You refused to have anything to do with 摩瑞根's ritual.

You agreed to help 摩瑞根 complete her ritual.

蕾莉安娜, the Chantry sister, joined your company.

蕾莉安娜 revealed that she was starting to feel something for you.

Your relationship with 蕾莉安娜 ended.

蕾莉安娜 had had enough of you, and left.

蕾莉安娜 was furious at you for what you did to the Urn.

蕾莉安娜 left your company.

蕾莉安娜 fought you to defend the Urn of Sacred Ashes. She died.

You released Sten and gave him a chance to redeem himself.

You returned Sten's lost sword to him.

You asked Sten to leave, and he did.

Sten was fed up with you, and left.

You encountered 溫妮, who was defending several young apprentices.

After the events of the Broken Circle, 溫妮 offered to join you to help fight the 黑暗衍生物.

溫妮 revealed that you were a blood mage, and was killed in the ensuing battle.

溫妮 was killed trying to defend the Urn from you.

Your actions drove 溫妮 away.

You asked 溫妮 to leave, and she did.


beta400  那我先處理這個 =)  發表於 2010-5-1 19:18:41
xliu  伯特教授 那篇到300000的有需要再整理 因為H兄可能太忙沒消息了  謝謝你  發表於 2010-5-1 18:06:13
beta400  (老x大人, 之前那篇是不是不需要繼續呢..@@a') 這個比較短, 我可以很快處理完~^^  發表於 2010-5-1 18:04:55
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