畢業考將至,我得提早準備了,再來就是服兵役,有沒有時間用電腦還是未知數? 當然還是會閒暇時上上論壇,看看大家的話題。謝謝這十幾天來的支持囉(還真短....XD) ------------------------------說明區---------------------------------------------
1. 我分別會說明用DAOmanager匯入,或是直接放入override。
2. 這裡分享的MOD皆非我原創,轉載自於各大的網路搜尋,再上傳到我自己的空間。
3. 如遇衝突的MOD,可以跟我報備,我會分別註明,感謝。
4. 此乃拋磚引玉,如有冒犯之處請速與我通知。
5. 如遇穿上裝備後,顯示不出,呈現黑色,即該裝備不支援該種族或性別。 --------------------------Announcement-----------------------------------------
1. For each mod, I will explain whether using DAOmanager, or putting in override directly.
2. All the mods here are not made by me. What I am doing is downloading from other
websites, and then uploading to my web hard disk.
3. Pleas inform me when there is any mod conflicting with other mods, and I will
make notes in every mod's instruction.
4. All I have to do here is to share what I collected from the internet, so please inform
me directly if I invade your copyright.
5. If your characters’ body are empty when they wear the armors or other equipments,
it means the armor or the equipment is not supporting the gender or the race.