Hathran, also known as the Witches of Rashemen, comprise an elite sisterhood of spellcasters who lead the region. In Rashemi society, hathrans occupy the place reserved for powerful clerics in most Faerunian cultures. Hathran - meaning "learned sister" - heal the sick and wounded and care for the souls of their followers.
- Hit Die: d4.
- Proficiencies: Exotic weapons.
- Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier.
Alignment: Lawful good, lawful neutral or neutral good.
Gender: Female.
Race: Human or Human Subrace.
Spellcasting: Able to cast 2nd-level arcane spells and 2nd-level divine spells.
Feats: Ethran.
1: Cohort - Once per day the Hathran can call for a Rashemen Barbarian to serve as her cohort.
3: Fear Can cast Fear as the spell once per day.
6: Fear - Can cast Fear as the spell twice per day.
8: Fear - Can cast Fear as the spell three times per day.
10: Greater Command - Can attempt hold a group of enemies once per day.
Every second level, the character gains new spells per day as if she had also gained a level in her highest arcane and divine classes. She does not learn any new arcane spells through this ability, however.